The Glass Is Already Broken

The Glass Is Already Broken

Published by Blue Light Publishing

In The Glass is Already Broken, a mother navigates the decades-old loss of her son: “I keep trying to feel who I was before you / died. Listen to music I listened to then, Beatles, / The Band, Rolling Stones,” she insists, before admitting "I can’t / put the snake’s skin back around its flesh, / the snow back into the sky.” But what she can do is its own wonder: she shatters open a life centered on marriage and motherhood to reclaim her primal identity underneath. She revisits her choices. These poems grieve but they also reckon, bargain, riddle and joke, lust and croon, with every mode accented by a fine-hewed lineation. Reading these poems, and re-reading them, wrecked me in the best possible way.

—Sandra Beasley, author of Made to Explode

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About Sharon Charde


My parents did not agree on many things,…

but on one, they did concur. They both were certain I should become a writer. To be able to place that label squarely on my life, I’ve traveled many paths. How good it is to feel finally an occupant of the true home my mother and father imagined I would someday inhabit, one I’ve labored to find and create for myself over my many years of living.