Last week, I went to my son’s grave with the pumpkin I bring him every Halloween. As I do each time I come to him there, I stand quietly and read the inscription it took me a year to find for the stunning piece of Westerly granite that stands guard over what is left of his body.

And think not you can direct the course of love,
for love, if it finds you worthy, will direct your course.

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

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I was going to tell you about the great Zoom re-creation of my women’s writing group last Sunday, when seven of us joined for the day to express in words the many feelings and thoughts prompted by poems I shared, but I’m not going to do that.

I debated writing about the powerful virtual mindfulness retreat I sat (in front of my computer) last week, given by renowned meditation teachers Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzburg to 2300 others all over the world. I thought I’d quote Ajahn Chah,

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I was walking Stella, my dog, who we’ve trained to sit when a car goes by. This one stopped. It was my neighbor, going for a drive to get out of the house.

“I just read your blog,” she said. “It’s so depressing. Can’t you write a happy one next time? Something inspirational?”

I thought, but didn’t say, that’s not my style. How many times have I heard people say things like that to me? Just a recent email from an old friend declared, “I have read your poetry and wondered at your gift for writing. It is wonderful to read but so full of sadness. I look for the hope! “

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