“What are you going to do for your bonus day at Ucross?” Caitlin asked us as we traversed the winding road through the mountains from Sheridan back to Ucross after two canceled flights and a night at the Best Western. Caitlin was the communications director at Ucross, dispatched to bring Erica and I back to the comfort and safety of the Schoolhouse for the wait for tonight’s flight out to Denver.
Bonus day, indeed. Bonus days, really.
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This place. These weeks. These mountains. These new friends and colleagues. This respite from the pandemic. This room I’ve so fully occupied, replete with the books, pads and notebooks I brought with me, now all (mostly) read and reread, new poems tacked up on the cork strips near my desk, old and new poems mixed on the floor behind me, struggling towards a possible next collection—all now to become part of the past, another challenge to let go and move on to the next place.
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The wind is wild outside, though it was a quite perfect day, warm and breezy, the cottonwoods starting to turn yellow, the formerly muddy paths now dusty and easily navigable. I’m at the Ucross Foundation, a writing residency in Wyoming, back after a year and a half when we all had to leave due to this mysterious Covid thing that was just beginning to make a name for itself. My fellow residents and I, gloved and masked to the hilt, braved the airports and the long journeys home—we had to, as Ucross, along with everything else, had closed down.
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It’s been awhile.
I wrote a whole blog post before we left on vacation, wanting to feel the sense of freedom that a completed task list could offer for the next two weeks, but the narrative just struggled too hard to make its point or tell the story I wanted to relate.
My husband, best reader and critic, shook his head after reading my third attempt. “It’s just not your usual good writing, Sharon.”
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I got it, a week ago now. This time, my arm isn’t even sore. After the first one, I woke up two days later, with a piercing headache, nausea, and a fatigue so overwhelming that I spent the afternoon napping and went to bed at 7:30, my body so leaden it was hard even to move. The next day, I was totally fine.
On our daily walks, we meet neighbors with whom all conversation centers around “the shot.”
“When are you getting yours?”
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